“Jesus said to her, ‘Woman why are you weeping? Whom do you
seek?’ Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, ‘Sir, if
you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I
will take him away.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned to him
and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbo’ni!’”
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Monday, 21 April 2014
Dos videos
Video sobre la masonería y los Illuminati... aún incompleto...
Y aquí abajo algo de la Vigilia Pascual la víspera del Domingo de Pascua...
Bueno, nada que ver un video con otro... pero los quería publicar. Ambos están en proceso. Espero, me gustaría, completarlos.
Ah, ¡y Feliz Pascua!
Y aquí abajo algo de la Vigilia Pascual la víspera del Domingo de Pascua...
Bueno, nada que ver un video con otro... pero los quería publicar. Ambos están en proceso. Espero, me gustaría, completarlos.
Ah, ¡y Feliz Pascua!
La alegría
Y esta es la primera palabra que quisiera deciros: alegría. No seáis nunca hombres y mujeres tristes: un cristiano jamás puede serlo. Nunca os dejéis vencer por el desánimo. Nuestra alegría no es algo que nace de tener tantas cosas, sino de haber encontrado a una persona, Jesús; que está entre nosotros; nace del saber que, con Él, nunca estamos solos, incluso en los momentos difíciles, aun cuando el camino de la vida tropieza con problemas y obstáculos que parecen insuperables, y ¡hay tantos! Y en este momento viene el enemigo, viene el diablo, tantas veces disfrazado de ángel, e insidiosamente nos dice su palabra. No le escuchéis. Sigamos a Jesús. Nosotros acompañamos, seguimos a Jesús, pero sobre todo sabemos que él nos acompaña y nos carga sobre sus hombros: en esto reside nuestra alegría, la esperanza que hemos de llevar en este mundo nuestro. Y, por favor, no os dejéis robar la esperanza, no dejéis robar la esperanza. Esa que nos da Jesús.
Supuestamente esto lo dijo el Papa Francisco, pero no tengo la cita.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Lunes Santo
Como hace mucho que no publico nada, voy a publicar algo ahora, así no pierdo la costumbre.
Estoy publicando tweets en tweeter, así que si quieren chusmear léanlos https://twitter.com/SergioPoratti. Quiero publicar tweets que sean buenos.
Hoy en Misa se lee una lectura de Isaías y la lectura de un pasaje del evangelio según San Juan, que cuenta algo que pasó seis días antes de la Pascua.
La lectura de Isaías es una profecía que Dios le hace a ese profeta sobre el futuro Mesías. Es el comienzo del capítulo 42, del versículo 1 al 7. Allí dice, más o menos, cómo va a ser ese profeta. Los paréntesis son míos. Isaías vivió mucho tiempo antes de que naciera Jesús. Si lo vio a Jesús, fue en visiones proféticas.
(Dice Isaías, al tener una visión del Masías que vendría, o sea, de Jesús:)
Así habla el Señor (Dios):
Este es mi Servidor (es decir Jesús, que fue Hijo de Dios, pero le llama Servidor por haber tomado una naturaleza humana), a quien yo sostengo, mi elegido, en quien se complace mi alma (Dios, quien dice esto, no tiene un alma como nosotros, pero se expresa así para que nosotros, y el pueblo al que en ese momento hablaba, entendamos). Yo he puesto mi espíritu sobre él (es decir, el Espíritu Santo) para que lleve el derecho a las naciones.
El no gritará, no levantará la voz ni la hará resonar por las calles. (Es decir, que no va a incentivar al pueblo con gritos para que se revele, y si entra a una casa no va a gritar adentro para que los de afuera no escuchen. Va a ser suave, afable) No romperá la caña quebrada ni apagará la mecha que arde débilmente (es decir, no se desinteresará del alma del pecador moribundo que aún tiene tiempo de convertirse y salvarse, sino que esperará al más mínimo movimiento de su corazón para acudir a él con el más tierno amor de Padre). Expondrá el derecho con fidelidad; no desfallecerá ni se desalentará (/no será triste ni melancólico, lo cual no significa que no vaya a experimentar la tristeza ni llore) hasta implantar el derecho en la tierra, y las costas lejanas (o las naciones) esperarán su Ley.
Así habla Dios, el Señor, el que creó el cielo y lo desplegó, el que extendió la tierra y lo que ella produce, el que da el aliento al pueblo que la habita y el espíritu a los que caminan por ella:Yo, el Señor, te llamé (le habla al Servidor que Isaías ve en su visión, o sea, a Jesús) en la justicia, te sostuve de la mano, te formé y te destiné a ser la alianza del pueblo, la luz de las naciones, para abrir los ojos de los ciegos, para hacer salir de la prisión a los cautivos y de la cárcel a los que habitan en las tinieblas. (se refiere sobre todos a los que están ciegos espiritualmente, a los que están muertos por el pecado y presos por diferentes vicios, que son como cadenas que atan y esclavizan).
El Salmo dice que el Señor es mi luz y mi salvación, y que si es mi luz y mi salvación, ¿a quién temeré? ¿a la muerte? ¿al diablo? ¿a los hombres? ¿al agujero negro? ¿a qué? ¿a los extraterrestres? ¿A qué o a quién temeré, si el Señor es mi luz y mi salvación?
Estoy publicando tweets en tweeter, así que si quieren chusmear léanlos https://twitter.com/SergioPoratti. Quiero publicar tweets que sean buenos.
Hoy en Misa se lee una lectura de Isaías y la lectura de un pasaje del evangelio según San Juan, que cuenta algo que pasó seis días antes de la Pascua.
La lectura de Isaías es una profecía que Dios le hace a ese profeta sobre el futuro Mesías. Es el comienzo del capítulo 42, del versículo 1 al 7. Allí dice, más o menos, cómo va a ser ese profeta. Los paréntesis son míos. Isaías vivió mucho tiempo antes de que naciera Jesús. Si lo vio a Jesús, fue en visiones proféticas.
(Dice Isaías, al tener una visión del Masías que vendría, o sea, de Jesús:)
Este es mi Servidor (es decir Jesús, que fue Hijo de Dios, pero le llama Servidor por haber tomado una naturaleza humana), a quien yo sostengo, mi elegido, en quien se complace mi alma (Dios, quien dice esto, no tiene un alma como nosotros, pero se expresa así para que nosotros, y el pueblo al que en ese momento hablaba, entendamos). Yo he puesto mi espíritu sobre él (es decir, el Espíritu Santo) para que lleve el derecho a las naciones.
El no gritará, no levantará la voz ni la hará resonar por las calles. (Es decir, que no va a incentivar al pueblo con gritos para que se revele, y si entra a una casa no va a gritar adentro para que los de afuera no escuchen. Va a ser suave, afable) No romperá la caña quebrada ni apagará la mecha que arde débilmente (es decir, no se desinteresará del alma del pecador moribundo que aún tiene tiempo de convertirse y salvarse, sino que esperará al más mínimo movimiento de su corazón para acudir a él con el más tierno amor de Padre). Expondrá el derecho con fidelidad; no desfallecerá ni se desalentará (/no será triste ni melancólico, lo cual no significa que no vaya a experimentar la tristeza ni llore) hasta implantar el derecho en la tierra, y las costas lejanas (o las naciones) esperarán su Ley.
Así habla Dios, el Señor, el que creó el cielo y lo desplegó, el que extendió la tierra y lo que ella produce, el que da el aliento al pueblo que la habita y el espíritu a los que caminan por ella:Yo, el Señor, te llamé (le habla al Servidor que Isaías ve en su visión, o sea, a Jesús) en la justicia, te sostuve de la mano, te formé y te destiné a ser la alianza del pueblo, la luz de las naciones, para abrir los ojos de los ciegos, para hacer salir de la prisión a los cautivos y de la cárcel a los que habitan en las tinieblas. (se refiere sobre todos a los que están ciegos espiritualmente, a los que están muertos por el pecado y presos por diferentes vicios, que son como cadenas que atan y esclavizan).
El Salmo dice que el Señor es mi luz y mi salvación, y que si es mi luz y mi salvación, ¿a quién temeré? ¿a la muerte? ¿al diablo? ¿a los hombres? ¿al agujero negro? ¿a qué? ¿a los extraterrestres? ¿A qué o a quién temeré, si el Señor es mi luz y mi salvación?
El evangelio narra que estando comiendo en la casa de Marta y María, con Lázaro, a quien había resucitado después de cuatro días de muerto, María tomó un frasco de perfume y lo derramó sobre sus pies. En esta escena, Jesús tiene un acto de delicadeza con Judas (que era uno de los apóstoles, y un ladrón), no echándole en cara lo que él (Judas) era, sino disimulando su conocimiento de él, para no dejarlo mal, aunque sabía (Jesús) que Judas lo iba a entregar en unos seis días. No tengamos miedo de acercarnos a Jesús, porque Él es nuestra Luz y nuestra Salvación.
En el dibujo: María Magdalena lleva el perfume en un frasco. Jesús no se escandalizó que ella luego de bañar los pies de Él con ese perfume, los secara con sus cabellos. A los apóstoles les habrá sorprendido, porque era algo que una novia hacía a su novio más bien. Pensemos que Él es Dios, que vio el corazón de esa hija suya, y cuando nosotros pensemos en ella, no la pensemos linda (para evitar todo mal pensamiento), sino fea. El perfume ella que derramó valía lo que una persona ganaba durante un año de trabajo.
Demos gracias a Dios.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Hotel Anémona: Con tacto y con cariño
Hotel Anémona: Con tacto y con cariño. Me gustaron algunas de sus publicaciones (sólo vi dos). Me gustó cómo está redactado, y cómo quien escribe expresa lo que quiere decir.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Santidad o muerte
La Fe
nos enseña que ella no se opone a la razón, ni, por lo tanto, a la ciencia. De
ella nos alimenta la Iglesia, nuestra madre y maestra, enseñándonosla. Ella (la
Iglesia) nos enseña que Dios se nos ha revelado y se nos sigue revelando: por
un lado, sobrenaturalmente, por medio de la Revelación Escrita (la Santa
Biblia) y la Tradición (diferente de “las tradiciones humanas”, muchas de ellas
malas) y por otro lado se nos revela Dios por la naturaleza. A la Iglesia le
fue dado conservar y custodiar el tesoro de la Fe y darlo a conocer,
estableciendo su Santo Fundador (Jesucristo) una jerarquía, de modo que
escuchándola a ella escuchemos al Señor, Quien la alimenta con su mismo Cuerpo,
Sangre, Alma y Divinidad, y asiste constantemente con el Espíritu Santo. San
Agustín decía que creía en los Evangelios, no por ellos mismos, sino porque la
Iglesia le mandaba creer en ellos, porque ella es anterior a aquellos, y es
quien de hecho los ha instituido como canónicos.
En este
marco escribo estas líneas, sometiéndolas al juicio de la autoridad de la
Iglesia, y corrigiéndolo si ella me mandara en algo a hacerlo. Dar la razón al
otro muchas veces a muchos les (nos) cuesta mucho. No lo digo porque en esto me
cueste, sino porque considero que a mucho nos puede ayudar el recordar que si
cuesta es porque el hecho de aceptar que uno está equivocado, y corregirse con
presteza mas sin ligereza, es un acto de humildad, y que por eso vale mucho.
Aunque también puede darse que uno esté en lo cierto cuando casi todos los
demás estén en el error y por eso se molesten al iluminarlos con la luz. En ese
caso hay que corregir el error con valor, aunque podría volverse una tarea como
la de Sansón, con su mismo fin.
autoridad de la Iglesia ha permitido que la Sagrada Escritura fuese sometida a
estudios literarios, pero también ha visto tomarse a estas ciencias atributos
que no les corresponden al olvidar la dignidad que el Sagrado Texto tiene, y
que no deja de tener por el simple hecho de que se olvide. No debemos olvidar
que en Ella es Dios quien nos habla, que es la Palabra de Dios (que se hizo
carne y habitó entre nosotros), y que no son sólo palabras humanas (lo cual que
también son) como para hablar de ella con insolencia, insinuando que son solo
discursos de un pueblo tonto, crédulo y exagerado.
Como la
Iglesia no me impide interpretar la Biblia literalmente (cuando eso sea
posible) para aumentar mi piedad, a esto me inclinaré[1].
introducción a la Sagrada Biblia diré que no bajó escrita del Cielo, como se ha
dicho de otros libros en otras religiones y denominaciones cristianas, sino que
fue escrita por diversos autores inspirados (aunque quizás ellos no sabían que
estaban inspirados). Antes que Moisés escribiera los cinco primeros rollos de
lo que luego sería la Biblia, él recibió las narraciones de sus antepasados,
que por vía oral se transmitían los sucesos de generación a generación, desde
Adán y Eva. Posteriormente a estos primeros cinco rollos escritos por Moisés,
había escribas y copistas que copiaban estos textos una y otra vez,
completándolos con los siguientes textos que aparecerían con el transcurso de
los siglos y de la vida del pueblo elegido por Dios. Pensemos que los papiros
en los que se escribía no se conservaban por mucho tiempo. Por eso ellos los
copiaban una y otra vez. Por otra parte, la mayoría de la gente no sabía leer y
escribir, así que hacían uso del don de la memoria, que hoy en día se quiere
En el
principio creó Dios el cielo y la tierra. Jesús es llamado Principio, y en Él
son creados el cielo y la tierra. Dios crea todo por la palabra, y Jesús es la
Palabra que se hizo hombre y que habitó entre nosotros. La tierra estaba desordenada
y vacía, y el Espíritu Santo aleteaba (nadaba) en ella, ya que la imagen del
escritor sagrado es que pegado a la tierra estaba el agua. Aleteaba en ella
ordenándolo todo, como lo hace cada vez que hay desorden: el Espíritu Santo
ordena. Ordena la vida desordenada del pecador, y le da vida, y lo llena de
cosas buenas.
comienza la narración del primer libro de la Biblia[2]
describiendo la creación en seis días, relatando luego más detalladamente la
creación del hombre. Nada hay que impida a Dios crear el mundo en seis días. En
cuanto a la vejez de la tierra (con sus aproximados 4.000. millones de años),
esto no impide creer que haya sido creada en pocos días, ya que Dios pudo haber
querido dejar impreso en la tierra las señales de su edad (como en la
geografía, en los huesos fósiles de dinosaurios, etc.), como de hecho lo hizo
con Adán, para que al verla veamos en ella reflejada la Sabiduría propia de la
vejez. Si a Adán lo hubiéramos visto el primer día de la creación, y le
hubiéramos preguntado que cuántos años tenía, nos hubiera dicho que aún no
llegaba al primero. -¿Pero como? -hubiéramos replicado nosotros- ¡tienes el
cuerpo de una persona como de 20 o 30 años! –Así también la tierra: el Creador
la creó con millones de años de edad, y con tal perfección que los estudiosos
lo pueden determinar con absoluta certeza, del mismo modo que si hubieran visto
a Adán y lo hubieran sometido a observación médica, hubieran asegurado que no
tenía un año sino 20 o 30. Quizás nos hubiera llamado la atención que no hubiera tenido ningún tipo de agurras, ya que las mismas se deben al pliegue de la piel por los movimientos, y él no hubiera tenido. Aunque también, con la misma lógica anterios, lo pudo haber creado con arrugas.
hombre, a Adán y en él a toda la humanidad, Dios lo creó el sexto día, un
viernes. En este día creó su obra más preciada, a la que llamó a ser hijo suyo,
dignidad que a ningún ángel dio, por más hermoso que fuere. Considerando estas
cosas, ¿habrá lugar para la tristeza? Los paganos dedicarían luego este día a
la diosa del amor llamada Venus, nombre del cual deriva nuestro viernes. Jesús
murió producto de un amor apasionado a nosotros en la Cruz, otro viernes. Así
como al domingo lo llamamos así por ser el día del Señor (DOMINador, del que DOMINa
el Orbe entero, del “Dóminus”), al viernes deberíamos llamarlo no haciendo
alusión al nombre de una diosa pagana, sino al Amor que en la Cruz murió por
amor apasionado por nosotros.
a la creación que Moisés nos narra, el Señor Dios, luego de crear el cielo y la
tierra y de adornarlo y hermosearlo con todo lo que en ellos hay, baja a la
tierra a pasearse por ella y para buscar un lugar donde hacer con sus manos al
hombre. No recela ensuciarse las manos, como el alfarero. Encontrando un lugarcito,
lo contempla, se agacha y moldea con sus manos al hombre a su Imagen: su
rostro, su pecho, sus brazos y pies, su masculinidad. La naturaleza contempla
atónita, y maravillada, bailando jubilosa, los astros del cielo incluso, como lo hacen aún ahora bailando en círculos. Los ángeles cantan himnos. Al
terminar su modelado, lo ve, toma aire unos eternos segundos y acercándose a la
nariz, insufla en ella su Espíritu, y con Él la vida y su Semejanza. Al punto,
todo ese lodo se transforma milagrosamente en carne.
Adán empieza
a existir. Siente la brisa del viento en su cuerpo. Oye la naturaleza que lo
rodea, las aves, los monos lejanos, con un sonido que viniendo de lejos se le
va haciendo cada vez más cercano y nítido. Sus oídos se están adaptando, y
reciben los primeros sonidos, como un presente de su creador. Se sabe de
inmediato un ser existente, y poco a poco, estrenando los músculos de su
rostro, abre sus párpados, dejando que la luz choque sus ojos, cuyas córneas
inmediatamente se adaptan con la visión más perfecta que un hombre pudiera
tener sobre la faz de la tierra. Ve el azul del cielo, las pocas nubes,
blancas, que lo surcan. Ve el verde de los árboles, el color de la tierra donde
está acostado, las aves que vuelan, todos los colores que adornan lo que le
rodea, y algunos animalitos que lo ven quietos, silenciosos. Ve al Señor que majestuoso lo contempla, y lo bendice.
Se yergue
apoyando su mano en el piso y se pone de pie. El señor le saluda con un
¡jaire!, y le dice cómo se llama: Adán.
Yo no
tengo una gran capacidad poética como para narrar estos augustos relatos, pero
si algo de lo escrito te da sentimientos de piedad, aprovéchate de ellos. Si he
dicho alguna herejía, me corrijo de ella.
con la gracia de Dios con el relato de la primera caída.
[1] O
rollo, ya que antes no existían libros, sino que se escribían en papiros que se
enrollaban, y que por eso se llamaban rollos. Estos rollos eran guardados en
cajas (“tanaj”). El conjunto de los primeros cinco libros de la Biblia, que se
escribieron en hebreo, como la mayoría de los libros del Antiguo Testamento, en
griego se llama “pentateuco”: donde “penta” significa “cinco”, y “teuco” son esas cajitas donde se
reservaban los rollos.
[2] Lo que sí nos impide es a decir que
todos los eventos históricos narrados en la Biblia han sido literales, negando
e impidiendo las diversas teorías de la creación del mundo.
Palabra de Dios,
Sagrada Escritura,
Friday, 28 March 2014
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Brief Overview of the City of La Plata City - My City - Our City
The city of La Plata, known as the city of the diagonals, for the various diagonals running through this, is the capital of the province of Argentina, Buenos Aires called. It was founded on November 19, 1882, the day on which the Church remembers Pope St. Pontian. In fact, Dardo Rocha, the founder of the city and governor of the province, chose this day to honor his child called Ponciano, who was born that date but who died as a child. The remains of the founder rest in the crypt of the Cathedral.
The city was then founded after the passage of the capital of the province (whose name is also Buenos Aires) to Federal Capital, with its own government. Among the areas in which it was thought to raise this new capital we find the city of Campana, in western the Federal Capital, and the area five kilometers south of the current La Plata, belonging to High Barragán Cove area.
A stream, the "Regiment", crossed from south to north the field of the future city of La Plata. On one side of the stream there was a hill, where the Cathedral was built. Later that Creek Regiment was intubated. Years later it would not withstand the flow of water that brought the fatal cataclysm of 2013, which, in some quarters, was increased above many houses, dragging after him cars, mud, trees, and human lives.
In Lent we live an early Easter, by choosing Francisco, the Argentine pontiff. In the Octave of Easter, however, we feel we live the Holy Triduum.
It is a city whose streets were designed before be constructed, soon locating the main provincial government buildings. Opposite the cathedral, where now stands the square Moreno, had, as we have said, a stream, beside which the children of those early years playing ball... usually made with the bladder of a pig or a cow, bladder which extracted of the dead animal, and then they will inserting a straw to it, blowing air to inflate. Then left to dry. This told me a man who as a boy met an old man who had been born in the late nineteenth century and did that as a child.
Since the federal capital came out one of the royal roads passing through one of the limits of the future city of La Plata. Then the railroad supplied the way so people could go faster Harbour Cove, reaching a neighborhood called Tolose. What was left the royal road, a portion was reserved for what would later be designated 1st Street. This road, bound for the town of Magdalena, was adorned on its sides by lush trees and the soil had many bumps (which made her somewhat impassable rainy days). Think how many important people would pass in a carriage along this street. Important people as other simple. Gradually the street was filled with tall buildings, but now keeps a section of forest, in which is located the municipal zoo.
Other curiosities that we found is, for example, who had squares that were closed with gates, not for fear of thieves (we're talking 1890-1900), but to keep out the horses locals or people riding in the square, so they put in a ticket turnstiles to preclude the passage of horses. At the entrance to the square of streets 12 and 68 had some, I arrived at see as a child, and I never understood why they had been put. Or, that people were guided and pointed out his house not by the number or the name of the street, which would not yet published, but the way the trees that were seen in the sidewalk. This told me a student, who said told him a grandmother.
One of the neighborhoods of La Plata is called Los Hornos, because there were kilns where the bricks that were used in the construction of buildings were baked. Even today we find some thin and tall chimneys and factories. In that neighborhood, south of the town, a few blocks were reserved for the cemetery of the city, and next to it, in the northern corner, the Santo Cristo chapel was built. Originally, early last century, or perhaps the late nineteenth century, a wooden chapel got up, attended by diocesan priests. A mid-twentieth century, the attention of the church was given to the congregation Theatine. People could to approach this cemetery and its chapel by one of the tram lines. The neighborhood at that time was not called "The Furnace" ("Los Hornos") but "The Retreat" ("El Retiro").
The city was then founded after the passage of the capital of the province (whose name is also Buenos Aires) to Federal Capital, with its own government. Among the areas in which it was thought to raise this new capital we find the city of Campana, in western the Federal Capital, and the area five kilometers south of the current La Plata, belonging to High Barragán Cove area.
A stream, the "Regiment", crossed from south to north the field of the future city of La Plata. On one side of the stream there was a hill, where the Cathedral was built. Later that Creek Regiment was intubated. Years later it would not withstand the flow of water that brought the fatal cataclysm of 2013, which, in some quarters, was increased above many houses, dragging after him cars, mud, trees, and human lives.
In Lent we live an early Easter, by choosing Francisco, the Argentine pontiff. In the Octave of Easter, however, we feel we live the Holy Triduum.
It is a city whose streets were designed before be constructed, soon locating the main provincial government buildings. Opposite the cathedral, where now stands the square Moreno, had, as we have said, a stream, beside which the children of those early years playing ball... usually made with the bladder of a pig or a cow, bladder which extracted of the dead animal, and then they will inserting a straw to it, blowing air to inflate. Then left to dry. This told me a man who as a boy met an old man who had been born in the late nineteenth century and did that as a child.
Since the federal capital came out one of the royal roads passing through one of the limits of the future city of La Plata. Then the railroad supplied the way so people could go faster Harbour Cove, reaching a neighborhood called Tolose. What was left the royal road, a portion was reserved for what would later be designated 1st Street. This road, bound for the town of Magdalena, was adorned on its sides by lush trees and the soil had many bumps (which made her somewhat impassable rainy days). Think how many important people would pass in a carriage along this street. Important people as other simple. Gradually the street was filled with tall buildings, but now keeps a section of forest, in which is located the municipal zoo.
Other curiosities that we found is, for example, who had squares that were closed with gates, not for fear of thieves (we're talking 1890-1900), but to keep out the horses locals or people riding in the square, so they put in a ticket turnstiles to preclude the passage of horses. At the entrance to the square of streets 12 and 68 had some, I arrived at see as a child, and I never understood why they had been put. Or, that people were guided and pointed out his house not by the number or the name of the street, which would not yet published, but the way the trees that were seen in the sidewalk. This told me a student, who said told him a grandmother.
One of the neighborhoods of La Plata is called Los Hornos, because there were kilns where the bricks that were used in the construction of buildings were baked. Even today we find some thin and tall chimneys and factories. In that neighborhood, south of the town, a few blocks were reserved for the cemetery of the city, and next to it, in the northern corner, the Santo Cristo chapel was built. Originally, early last century, or perhaps the late nineteenth century, a wooden chapel got up, attended by diocesan priests. A mid-twentieth century, the attention of the church was given to the congregation Theatine. People could to approach this cemetery and its chapel by one of the tram lines. The neighborhood at that time was not called "The Furnace" ("Los Hornos") but "The Retreat" ("El Retiro").
Saturday, 22 March 2014
The New Age
Posted in Facebook
With arrangements by Sergio Poratti
These lines are dedicated to a catechist named Liliana, and with her to all the catechists and all who sincerely seek to know the faith. You, readers, pass this text to others... if you can, and exercising freedom of children of God...
Well... it turns out that a couple of decades ago, correct me if I'm wrong... it became fashionable movement, an ideology, called "New Age". This is its name in English, must be because there will be begun in the United States, although it has Oriental roots. What does it mean "New Age"? This meant that the "Era of Christ (Christian Era) has already passed... that his Era, himself and his teachings are already old, old-fashioned." You can see from the beginning THAT THE SO-CALLED NEW AGE IS NOT CHRISTIAN...
The Elderly Man of the Sacred Heard
Posted in Facebook, on December 6, 2012, by Sergio Poratti.
ALMOST four years ago, I went to the "Chamber Orchestra Concert" at the Basilica Sacred Heart, here at La Plata City (Buenos Aires Province). It was very good. I know most people do not read long posts, because they also tell me... but hey, this is stronger than me... hehe.
I left house at 6:40 pm., towar the Sacred Heart, arriving at 7:15 pm., fifty minutes before the Mass. They were already starting the third decade of the Rosary. As always, las 7:30 pm. was the Mass, and a little before they asked me if I wanted read the psalm. I said yes. The chapel began to fill after the homily.
When we finished the Mass, we went to sit on the benches of the "central aisle". I think I sat in the fourth bench, counting from front to back. A noisy family was sitting to my right, and on my left there as a place for one person.
It turns out that last Tuesday I went to the conference that the Father Mancuso would dictate in the Catholic Book's exhibition. There I saw Fr Diego, to Bonehead, to Brother George... and other acquaintances. I stayed near them near the bottom. Lo and behold, suddenly I see a venerable old man, tall and thin, wearing a white shirt and dress pants. He also sat alone at the bottom. When Father Mancuso made its appearance (entered by the back door... that is, by the entrance, heh), this man got up and went to greet him. He conveyed me much peace. I thought, "He will be a religious?" I did not think it appropriate to ask him, but I was impressed by his presence, heh.
No, it's a joke! The story continues, for your delight... or your torment. Because now we travel back in time to yesterday. Are you reading, right? Well, it is then that I was sitting on the fourth bench in the central nave of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and the entire basilica was getting full of people. But the place on my left continued empty. I thought: -Well... why has no one occupied this place, if there are a lot of people here inside? I looked around me. I think there ere over one thousand people.
But suddenly, of the hundreds of people who there were, you know who sat? Exactly!: the mysterious, elderly man. A lady distributed us a pamphlet with the titles of the songs or themes, do not know how to say. The elderly man intrigued me... would he perhaps be a soul from purgatory? I started raving! Who was he? I did not know what to ask him! What should I have asked him? I stayed reading the brochure.
So, wanting almost distract myself, I was trying to guess the meaning of each German word of the booklet. Because the titles of the songs were written in its original German, with its translation into Spanish. On it I was focused when suddenly the venerable old man asks: -Do you know German?
-Huh? No, no...
-Oh... and do you study music?
-No... either...
He had an accent a little strange ... but it doesn't seemed totally foreign. He adorned his face with a constant smile of affability, transmitting a lot of peace.
-What is your name?
-Sergio... and you?
So he told me his name, but I do not remember. And he spelled its surname: Chłopiec. So this is written, but it is pronounced "shawpee-ehtz". This is Polish... means "child".
-And your last name, what is? With this I could show my family's knowledge. I took the opportunity. But it did not last.
Meanwhile, the Basilica was still filling up.
We keep talking, and I asked him if he was from here, if he was born here in La Plata. He was like thinking how he could explain me. "I was born in Italy, he continued, when my parents were passing through there. But I lived here in La Plata, although I am now living in San Luís (I think that province told me.) Now I'm just passing through here, because I'm visiting one of my blood sisters. And, by the way, I take to come to these events, because where I live there is not any (much). I am a priest". There was a brief silence. It was very hard for me, but trying to overcome, hehe, I asked him: -Really? What congregation?
Looking forward, as a film actor, said: -no, I'm diocesan priest...
I asked him about his parents, and he told me that they were captured by the former USSR (Russia). Sorry if I narrate the story with a mistake, forgive my lack of knowledge on these subjects. He explained to me that in the Second World War, back in 1932, Russia and Germany were allied and attacked Poland. Those two countries agreed to divide Poland, half each. Her parents had a two story house. One day (or one night), Russian soldiers entered the house, they took possession of it, and took dads Father as slaves to Russia, where did hard labor. What works? I asked him. They worked the land. As farmers, or something. But another day, I do not know what Germany did, and then Poland and Russia were allied against Germany, a common enemy. In the meantime, his parents let him free and traveled and traveled all the way to Italy. In Italy, thanks to the English government, get to travel to Argentina. There, in Italy, he was born.
Being here in La Plata, at ten years ... Ten years! he enters the Junior Seminary ... back in 1950-something ... but the vicissitudes of life made to continue studies at the seminary in St. Louis. His mother encouraged him to talk to a priest she knew there, so he could continue his studies. He was ordained by around 1970 ... or '72 ... about.
The concert was about to begin.What a blast! The lady who was on my right, already impatient, starts clapping by herself... huh! She started cheering and clapping continued, and applauded... of course, until the entire basilica was a single clap. At least I'm not the only one broken face. Well... I already felt that the chorus would start singing. I told my friend (ah!): -Do you know? I know some Polish names... 'and I told him about the Polish Redemptorists that I knew...
-Zylak...? does it mean anything?
-Zylak... Yeah... It's Polish... but no, I do not know what it may mean...
-I also know the surname "Wrublewski"... and this? Does it mean anything?
- Ah! Wrublewski?? In the town of Berisso there is a family with that last name... well... in Polish "Wróbel" means "sparrow"... Did you know the Pope Polish?
We talked of this Great Holy Father... He said: 'Oh, you did not see it? He came twice to Argentina... I saw it the second time he came-I do not know how you play... and he told me how he got the ticket to enter the theater... forgive the repetition... heh.
THE truly END
If you have come to read all this, I stand and applaud you, haha.
A kiss / Hugs / Blessing.
Choose from three options that you want.
ALMOST four years ago, I went to the "Chamber Orchestra Concert" at the Basilica Sacred Heart, here at La Plata City (Buenos Aires Province). It was very good. I know most people do not read long posts, because they also tell me... but hey, this is stronger than me... hehe.
I left house at 6:40 pm., towar the Sacred Heart, arriving at 7:15 pm., fifty minutes before the Mass. They were already starting the third decade of the Rosary. As always, las 7:30 pm. was the Mass, and a little before they asked me if I wanted read the psalm. I said yes. The chapel began to fill after the homily.
When we finished the Mass, we went to sit on the benches of the "central aisle". I think I sat in the fourth bench, counting from front to back. A noisy family was sitting to my right, and on my left there as a place for one person.
It turns out that last Tuesday I went to the conference that the Father Mancuso would dictate in the Catholic Book's exhibition. There I saw Fr Diego, to Bonehead, to Brother George... and other acquaintances. I stayed near them near the bottom. Lo and behold, suddenly I see a venerable old man, tall and thin, wearing a white shirt and dress pants. He also sat alone at the bottom. When Father Mancuso made its appearance (entered by the back door... that is, by the entrance, heh), this man got up and went to greet him. He conveyed me much peace. I thought, "He will be a religious?" I did not think it appropriate to ask him, but I was impressed by his presence, heh.
No, it's a joke! The story continues, for your delight... or your torment. Because now we travel back in time to yesterday. Are you reading, right? Well, it is then that I was sitting on the fourth bench in the central nave of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and the entire basilica was getting full of people. But the place on my left continued empty. I thought: -Well... why has no one occupied this place, if there are a lot of people here inside? I looked around me. I think there ere over one thousand people.
But suddenly, of the hundreds of people who there were, you know who sat? Exactly!: the mysterious, elderly man. A lady distributed us a pamphlet with the titles of the songs or themes, do not know how to say. The elderly man intrigued me... would he perhaps be a soul from purgatory? I started raving! Who was he? I did not know what to ask him! What should I have asked him? I stayed reading the brochure.
So, wanting almost distract myself, I was trying to guess the meaning of each German word of the booklet. Because the titles of the songs were written in its original German, with its translation into Spanish. On it I was focused when suddenly the venerable old man asks: -Do you know German?
-Huh? No, no...
-Oh... and do you study music?
-No... either...
He had an accent a little strange ... but it doesn't seemed totally foreign. He adorned his face with a constant smile of affability, transmitting a lot of peace.
-What is your name?
-Sergio... and you?
So he told me his name, but I do not remember. And he spelled its surname: Chłopiec. So this is written, but it is pronounced "shawpee-ehtz". This is Polish... means "child".
-And your last name, what is? With this I could show my family's knowledge. I took the opportunity. But it did not last.
Meanwhile, the Basilica was still filling up.
We keep talking, and I asked him if he was from here, if he was born here in La Plata. He was like thinking how he could explain me. "I was born in Italy, he continued, when my parents were passing through there. But I lived here in La Plata, although I am now living in San Luís (I think that province told me.) Now I'm just passing through here, because I'm visiting one of my blood sisters. And, by the way, I take to come to these events, because where I live there is not any (much). I am a priest". There was a brief silence. It was very hard for me, but trying to overcome, hehe, I asked him: -Really? What congregation?
Looking forward, as a film actor, said: -no, I'm diocesan priest...
I asked him about his parents, and he told me that they were captured by the former USSR (Russia). Sorry if I narrate the story with a mistake, forgive my lack of knowledge on these subjects. He explained to me that in the Second World War, back in 1932, Russia and Germany were allied and attacked Poland. Those two countries agreed to divide Poland, half each. Her parents had a two story house. One day (or one night), Russian soldiers entered the house, they took possession of it, and took dads Father as slaves to Russia, where did hard labor. What works? I asked him. They worked the land. As farmers, or something. But another day, I do not know what Germany did, and then Poland and Russia were allied against Germany, a common enemy. In the meantime, his parents let him free and traveled and traveled all the way to Italy. In Italy, thanks to the English government, get to travel to Argentina. There, in Italy, he was born.
Being here in La Plata, at ten years ... Ten years! he enters the Junior Seminary ... back in 1950-something ... but the vicissitudes of life made to continue studies at the seminary in St. Louis. His mother encouraged him to talk to a priest she knew there, so he could continue his studies. He was ordained by around 1970 ... or '72 ... about.
The concert was about to begin.What a blast! The lady who was on my right, already impatient, starts clapping by herself... huh! She started cheering and clapping continued, and applauded... of course, until the entire basilica was a single clap. At least I'm not the only one broken face. Well... I already felt that the chorus would start singing. I told my friend (ah!): -Do you know? I know some Polish names... 'and I told him about the Polish Redemptorists that I knew...
-Zylak...? does it mean anything?
-Zylak... Yeah... It's Polish... but no, I do not know what it may mean...
-I also know the surname "Wrublewski"... and this? Does it mean anything?
- Ah! Wrublewski?? In the town of Berisso there is a family with that last name... well... in Polish "Wróbel" means "sparrow"... Did you know the Pope Polish?
We talked of this Great Holy Father... He said: 'Oh, you did not see it? He came twice to Argentina... I saw it the second time he came-I do not know how you play... and he told me how he got the ticket to enter the theater... forgive the repetition... heh.
THE truly END
If you have come to read all this, I stand and applaud you, haha.
A kiss / Hugs / Blessing.
Choose from three options that you want.
The Elderly Man of the Sacred Heard
Posted in Facebook, on December 6, 2012, by Sergio Poratti.
ALMOST four years ago, I went to the "Chamber Orchestra Concert" at the Basilica Sacred Heart, here at La Plata City (Buenos Aires Province). It was very good. I know most people do not read long posts, because they also tell me... but hey, this is stronger than me... hehe.
I left house at 6:40 pm., towar the Sacred Heart, arriving at 7:15 pm., fifty minutes before the Mass. They were already starting the third decade of the Rosary. As always, las 7:30 pm. was the Mass, and a little before they asked me if I wanted read the psalm. I said yes. The chapel began to fill after the homily.
When we finished the Mass, we went to sit on the benches of the "central aisle". I think I sat in the fourth bench, counting from front to back. A noisy family was sitting to my right, and on my left there as a place for one person.
It turns out that last Tuesday I went to the conference that the Father Mancuso would dictate in the Catholic Book's exhibition. There I saw Fr Diego, to Bonehead, to Brother George... and other acquaintances. I stayed near them near the bottom. Lo and behold, suddenly I see a venerable old man, tall and thin, wearing a white shirt and dress pants. He also sat alone at the bottom. When Father Mancuso made its appearance (entered by the back door... that is, by the entrance, heh), this man got up and went to greet him. He conveyed me much peace. I thought, "He will be a religious?" I did not think it appropriate to ask him, but I was impressed by his presence, heh.
No, it's a joke! The story continues, for your delight... or your torment. Because now we travel back in time to yesterday. Are you reading, right? Well, it is then that I was sitting on the fourth bench in the central nave of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and the entire basilica was getting full of people. But the place on my left continued empty. I thought: -Well... why has no one occupied this place, if there are a lot of people here inside? I looked around me. I think there ere over one thousand people.
But suddenly, of the hundreds of people who there were, you know who sat? Exactly!: the mysterious, elderly man. A lady distributed us a pamphlet with the titles of the songs or themes, do not know how to say. The elderly man intrigued me... would he perhaps be a soul from purgatory? I started raving! Who was he? I did not know what to ask him! What should I have asked him? I stayed reading the brochure.
So, wanting almost distract myself, I was trying to guess the meaning of each German word of the booklet. Because the titles of the songs were written in its original German, with its translation into Spanish. On it I was focused when suddenly the venerable old man asks: -Do you know German?
-Huh? No, no...
-Oh... and do you study music?
-No... either...
He had an accent a little strange ... but it doesn't seemed totally foreign. He adorned his face with a constant smile of affability, transmitting a lot of peace.
-What is your name?
-Sergio... and you?
So he told me his name, but I do not remember. And he spelled its surname: Chłopiec. So this is written, but it is pronounced "shawpee-ehtz". This is Polish... means "child".
-And your last name, what is? With this I could show my family's knowledge. I took the opportunity. But it did not last.
Meanwhile, the Basilica was still filling up.
We keep talking, and I asked him if he was from here, if he was born here in La Plata. He was like thinking how he could explain me. "I was born in Italy, he continued, when my parents were passing through there. But I lived here in La Plata, although I am now living in San Luís (I think that province told me.) Now I'm just passing through here, because I'm visiting one of my blood sisters. And, by the way, I take to come to these events, because where I live there is not any (much). I am a priest". There was a brief silence. It was very hard for me, but trying to overcome, hehe, I asked him: -Really? What congregation?
Looking forward, as a film actor, said: -no, I'm diocesan priest...
I asked him about his parents, and he told me that they were captured by the former USSR (Russia). Sorry if I narrate the story with a mistake, forgive my lack of knowledge on these subjects. He explained to me that in the Second World War, back in 1932, Russia and Germany were allied and attacked Poland. Those two countries agreed to divide Poland, half each. Her parents had a two story house. One day (or one night), Russian soldiers entered the house, they took possession of it, and took dads Father as slaves to Russia, where did hard labor. What works? I asked him. They worked the land. As farmers, or something. But another day, I do not know what Germany did, and then Poland and Russia were allied against Germany, a common enemy. In the meantime, his parents let him free and traveled and traveled all the way to Italy. In Italy, thanks to the English government, get to travel to Argentina. There, in Italy, he was born.
Being here in La Plata, at ten years ... Ten years! he enters the Junior Seminary ... back in 1950-something ... but the vicissitudes of life made to continue studies at the seminary in St. Louis. His mother encouraged him to talk to a priest she knew there, so he could continue his studies. He was ordained by around 1970 ... or '72 ... about.
The concert was about to begin.What a blast! The lady who was on my right, already impatient, starts clapping by herself... huh! She started cheering and clapping continued, and applauded... of course, until the entire basilica was a single clap. At least I'm not the only one broken face. Well... I already felt that the chorus would start singing. I told my friend (ah!): -Do you know? I know some Polish names... 'and I told him about the Polish Redemptorists that I knew...
-Zylak...? does it mean anything?
-Zylak... Yeah... It's Polish... but no, I do not know what it may mean...
-I also know the surname "Wrublewski"... and this? Does it mean anything?
- Ah! Wrublewski?? In the town of Berisso there is a family with that last name... well... in Polish "Wróbel" means "sparrow"... Did you know the Pope Polish?
We talked of this Great Holy Father... He said: 'Oh, you did not see it? He came twice to Argentina... I saw it the second time he came-I do not know how you play... and he told me how he got the ticket to enter the theater... forgive the repetition... heh.
THE truly END
If you have come to read all this, I stand and applaud you, haha.
A kiss / Hugs / Blessing.
Choose from three options that you want.
ALMOST four years ago, I went to the "Chamber Orchestra Concert" at the Basilica Sacred Heart, here at La Plata City (Buenos Aires Province). It was very good. I know most people do not read long posts, because they also tell me... but hey, this is stronger than me... hehe.
I left house at 6:40 pm., towar the Sacred Heart, arriving at 7:15 pm., fifty minutes before the Mass. They were already starting the third decade of the Rosary. As always, las 7:30 pm. was the Mass, and a little before they asked me if I wanted read the psalm. I said yes. The chapel began to fill after the homily.
When we finished the Mass, we went to sit on the benches of the "central aisle". I think I sat in the fourth bench, counting from front to back. A noisy family was sitting to my right, and on my left there as a place for one person.
It turns out that last Tuesday I went to the conference that the Father Mancuso would dictate in the Catholic Book's exhibition. There I saw Fr Diego, to Bonehead, to Brother George... and other acquaintances. I stayed near them near the bottom. Lo and behold, suddenly I see a venerable old man, tall and thin, wearing a white shirt and dress pants. He also sat alone at the bottom. When Father Mancuso made its appearance (entered by the back door... that is, by the entrance, heh), this man got up and went to greet him. He conveyed me much peace. I thought, "He will be a religious?" I did not think it appropriate to ask him, but I was impressed by his presence, heh.
No, it's a joke! The story continues, for your delight... or your torment. Because now we travel back in time to yesterday. Are you reading, right? Well, it is then that I was sitting on the fourth bench in the central nave of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and the entire basilica was getting full of people. But the place on my left continued empty. I thought: -Well... why has no one occupied this place, if there are a lot of people here inside? I looked around me. I think there ere over one thousand people.
But suddenly, of the hundreds of people who there were, you know who sat? Exactly!: the mysterious, elderly man. A lady distributed us a pamphlet with the titles of the songs or themes, do not know how to say. The elderly man intrigued me... would he perhaps be a soul from purgatory? I started raving! Who was he? I did not know what to ask him! What should I have asked him? I stayed reading the brochure.
So, wanting almost distract myself, I was trying to guess the meaning of each German word of the booklet. Because the titles of the songs were written in its original German, with its translation into Spanish. On it I was focused when suddenly the venerable old man asks: -Do you know German?
-Huh? No, no...
-Oh... and do you study music?
-No... either...
He had an accent a little strange ... but it doesn't seemed totally foreign. He adorned his face with a constant smile of affability, transmitting a lot of peace.
-What is your name?
-Sergio... and you?
So he told me his name, but I do not remember. And he spelled its surname: Chłopiec. So this is written, but it is pronounced "shawpee-ehtz". This is Polish... means "child".
-And your last name, what is? With this I could show my family's knowledge. I took the opportunity. But it did not last.
Meanwhile, the Basilica was still filling up.
We keep talking, and I asked him if he was from here, if he was born here in La Plata. He was like thinking how he could explain me. "I was born in Italy, he continued, when my parents were passing through there. But I lived here in La Plata, although I am now living in San Luís (I think that province told me.) Now I'm just passing through here, because I'm visiting one of my blood sisters. And, by the way, I take to come to these events, because where I live there is not any (much). I am a priest". There was a brief silence. It was very hard for me, but trying to overcome, hehe, I asked him: -Really? What congregation?
Looking forward, as a film actor, said: -no, I'm diocesan priest...
I asked him about his parents, and he told me that they were captured by the former USSR (Russia). Sorry if I narrate the story with a mistake, forgive my lack of knowledge on these subjects. He explained to me that in the Second World War, back in 1932, Russia and Germany were allied and attacked Poland. Those two countries agreed to divide Poland, half each. Her parents had a two story house. One day (or one night), Russian soldiers entered the house, they took possession of it, and took dads Father as slaves to Russia, where did hard labor. What works? I asked him. They worked the land. As farmers, or something. But another day, I do not know what Germany did, and then Poland and Russia were allied against Germany, a common enemy. In the meantime, his parents let him free and traveled and traveled all the way to Italy. In Italy, thanks to the English government, get to travel to Argentina. There, in Italy, he was born.
Being here in La Plata, at ten years ... Ten years! he enters the Junior Seminary ... back in 1950-something ... but the vicissitudes of life made to continue studies at the seminary in St. Louis. His mother encouraged him to talk to a priest she knew there, so he could continue his studies. He was ordained by around 1970 ... or '72 ... about.
The concert was about to begin.What a blast! The lady who was on my right, already impatient, starts clapping by herself... huh! She started cheering and clapping continued, and applauded... of course, until the entire basilica was a single clap. At least I'm not the only one broken face. Well... I already felt that the chorus would start singing. I told my friend (ah!): -Do you know? I know some Polish names... 'and I told him about the Polish Redemptorists that I knew...
-Zylak...? does it mean anything?
-Zylak... Yeah... It's Polish... but no, I do not know what it may mean...
-I also know the surname "Wrublewski"... and this? Does it mean anything?
- Ah! Wrublewski?? In the town of Berisso there is a family with that last name... well... in Polish "Wróbel" means "sparrow"... Did you know the Pope Polish?
We talked of this Great Holy Father... He said: 'Oh, you did not see it? He came twice to Argentina... I saw it the second time he came-I do not know how you play... and he told me how he got the ticket to enter the theater... forgive the repetition... heh.
THE truly END
If you have come to read all this, I stand and applaud you, haha.
A kiss / Hugs / Blessing.
Choose from three options that you want.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Do not lose the joy into temptation
Prologue to this post: Having been long time that I publish anything extensive, and considering what you, oh brother, say: "no one reads your posts because its are long" -which R. A. (these are the initials of a friend of mine) confirmed it occasionally-, but hoping this is useful at least one person, here I publish this post. It has many paragraphs, I hope that you arrive to the end. Or you can tell me how far you arrive in your reading. In passing comment, hehe. Here comes the immediate release:
"Rejoice when you may be subjected to all kinds of test" the Apostle James tells us early in his New Testament letter. Without going into the rare difficulties, which perhaps we have all experienced in some way or another, let's consider that we live more often in our daily relationship with those around us. How many things do we deny and put annoying! Among them, each day, the One who modeled us in our mother's womb, He continues to forge us sweetly as gold is tested in fire, allowing us to walk among some temptations or another.
Every temptation is a trend, a trend which is generated by the tension that occurs when you want to leave a moral dilemma between two options before us: the choice between God or the devil, God or oneself, the Good (God) or evil, truth (God) or lying. These two options are presented when the desire to do good implies a difficulty to oneself, which would be difficult canceled (or postponed) if one choose what he know (or guess) it's wrong. So, in brackets, is important to know the Faith, to know with more certainty what to do and what not to do, what is love and what is selfishness.
Introducing battle against this strain (temptation), the devil tempts us or with the moodiness (not being able to do what we would like, which pleased us), or with sadness (not seeing the good for which we strive.) Keep in mind that thoughts can come from God, as well of ourselves, as of the devil too. Just like God commands us to light through His angels, the devil sends us bad or false thoughts through his demons.
That's why Paul says we have to be happy, and in one of his letters in which he writes to us: "Rejoice in the Lord, I say it again: rejoice" because sadness is not of God. He did not made us to be unhappy, He did not send His Son to die on the cross for us to make us unhappy, but to show us how much He loves us. And He is the truth and can not lie (there are philosophical reasons for this, but I will not discuss here, because I do not do not dwell over what I have already extended). All His work in salvation history was repeating that he loves us. Our history itself, from each of us is part of the history of salvation.
If He made us to be happy, there is no place for sadness. Or if there is, it is for that which brings us closer to God after we turn away from Him. If He made us to be happy, that's what I also mean those words of the Our Father: "Thy will be done on earth as in sky", that is: to be happy (that's what he asks of us and therefore what he wants, ie, it is His Will). We are glad with the joy God wants. But truly happy, not falsely. What remains to be seen is what is meant by joy and happiness, where to find true christian joy and happiness.
"Rejoice when you may be subjected to all kinds of test" the Apostle James tells us early in his New Testament letter. Without going into the rare difficulties, which perhaps we have all experienced in some way or another, let's consider that we live more often in our daily relationship with those around us. How many things do we deny and put annoying! Among them, each day, the One who modeled us in our mother's womb, He continues to forge us sweetly as gold is tested in fire, allowing us to walk among some temptations or another.
Every temptation is a trend, a trend which is generated by the tension that occurs when you want to leave a moral dilemma between two options before us: the choice between God or the devil, God or oneself, the Good (God) or evil, truth (God) or lying. These two options are presented when the desire to do good implies a difficulty to oneself, which would be difficult canceled (or postponed) if one choose what he know (or guess) it's wrong. So, in brackets, is important to know the Faith, to know with more certainty what to do and what not to do, what is love and what is selfishness.
Introducing battle against this strain (temptation), the devil tempts us or with the moodiness (not being able to do what we would like, which pleased us), or with sadness (not seeing the good for which we strive.) Keep in mind that thoughts can come from God, as well of ourselves, as of the devil too. Just like God commands us to light through His angels, the devil sends us bad or false thoughts through his demons.
That's why Paul says we have to be happy, and in one of his letters in which he writes to us: "Rejoice in the Lord, I say it again: rejoice" because sadness is not of God. He did not made us to be unhappy, He did not send His Son to die on the cross for us to make us unhappy, but to show us how much He loves us. And He is the truth and can not lie (there are philosophical reasons for this, but I will not discuss here, because I do not do not dwell over what I have already extended). All His work in salvation history was repeating that he loves us. Our history itself, from each of us is part of the history of salvation.
If He made us to be happy, there is no place for sadness. Or if there is, it is for that which brings us closer to God after we turn away from Him. If He made us to be happy, that's what I also mean those words of the Our Father: "Thy will be done on earth as in sky", that is: to be happy (that's what he asks of us and therefore what he wants, ie, it is His Will). We are glad with the joy God wants. But truly happy, not falsely. What remains to be seen is what is meant by joy and happiness, where to find true christian joy and happiness.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
La alegría en la prueba
Prólogo a esta publicación: Habiéndo pasado ya largo tiempo en que nada extenso publico, he aquí que lo ejecuto ahora teniendo en cuenta aquello que tú, ¡oh hermano!, dices: “nadie lee tus publicaciones porque son largas”. R. A. (sus iniciales) me lo ha confirmado alguna que otra vez. Pero con la esperanza de que sirva de provecho al menos a uno sólo, eso de animarme ha mucho. Pueden también decirme hasta qué línea o párrafo habéis llegado, de los 15 que ha, jeje. (No “hay”, sino “ha”, en su uso antiguo como sinónimo de “tiene”). Aquí viene la publicación propiamente dicha:
“Alegrense cuando sean sometidos a todo tipo de prueba” nos dice el apóstol Santiago al principio de su carta del Nuevo Testamento. Sin ir a aquellas dificultades raras, que quizás también todos hemos experimentado de algún modo u otro, quedémonos con las que vivimos más seguido, en nuestra relación cotidiana con los que nos rodean. ¡Cuántas cosas nos hacen renegar y poner chinchudos! Entre ellas, cada día, Aquel que nos modeló en el vientre materno, nos sigue forjando dulcemente como el oro se prueba en el fuego, permitiendo que caminemos entre algunas que otras tentaciones.
Toda tentación es una tendencia, tendencia la cual es generada por la tensión que se produce al querer salir de un dilema moral, entre dos opciones que se nos presentan: la elección entre Dios o el demonio, Dios o yo, el Bien (Dios) o el mal, la verdad (Dios) o la mentira. Estas dos opciones se presentan cuando el querer hacer el bien implicaría una dificultad para uno mismo, dificultad la cual se vería anulada (o postergada) si elijo aquello que sé (o que supongo) que está mal. Por eso, entre paréntesis, es importante conocer la Fe, para saber con más certeza qué se debe hace y qué no se debe hacer, qué es amar y qué es egoísmo.
Al presentar batalla contra esta tensión (tentación), el demonio nos tienta o bien con el mal humor (al no poder hacer lo que nos gustaría, lo que nos complacería) o bien con la tristeza (al no ver el bien por el que nos esforzamos). Hay que tener en cuenta que los pensamientos pueden venir de Dios, de uno mismo o del demonio también. Así como Dios nos manda luces mediante sus ángeles, el demonio nos manda lo suyo mediante los demonios.
Por eso San Pablo dice que tenemos que estar alegres, como en una de sus cartas que dice: "alégrense en el Señor, se los repito: alégrense", porque la tristeza no es de Dios. Él no nos hizo para ser infelices, no mandó a Su Hijo a morir en la Cruz por nosotros para hacernos infelices, sino para mostrarnos su Amor. Y Él es la Verdad, y no puede mentir (hay razones filosóficas que explican esto, pero que no cito para no extenderme más de lo que me extiendo). Todo Su obrar en la Historia de la Salvación fue repetirnos que nos ama. Nuestra historia misma, la de cada uno de nosotros forma parte de esta Historia de la Salvación.
Si Él nos hizo para ser felices, no hay lugar para la tristeza. O si lo hay, es para aquella que nos acerca a Dios tras alejarnos de Él. Si Él nos hizo para ser felices, eso es lo que significan también aquellas palabras del Padre Nuestro: "hágase tu Voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo": que seamos felices (eso es lo que Él nos pide y por lo tanto lo que Él quiere, es decir, es Su Voluntad). Que estemos alegres, con la alegría que Dios quiere. Pero alegres de verdad, no de mentira. Lo que habrá que ver es qué se entiende por alegría y felicidad, dónde se encuentra la verdadera alegría y felicidad cristianas.
En cuanto a la felicidad, habrá quizás que redescubrir qué es, y qué no es, la verdadera felicidad. En una palabra, podríamos identificar la felicidad con la paz de Dios en nuestra alma, en el alma del cristiano. No digo que la felicidad, esa paz, sea la ausencia total de pecados, ni el llegar a ser omnipotentes, ni a no tener un pasado que quizás nos hubiera gustado vivir de otro modo más cerca de Dios, ni a no tener ningún tipo de sentimientos (ser como algas marinas). No. La felicidad es el hecho de saberse amado por Dios a pesar de... cualquier cosa. De saberse llamado por Dios a una vida con Él y con los que a Él aman, entre los que Él ama.
El Papa Francisco insiste mucho con la alegría y el gozo del Evangelio, y lo demuestra cada día, ya que ella aleja de nosotros la tentación de la tristeza y del mal humor (los cuales querríamos eliminar haciendo cosas indignas de hijos de Dios, como lo somos nosotros). La alegría es un Don del Espíritu Santo: puede ser que por momentos te des cuenta que estás siendo tentado por sentimientos de tristeza o de mal humor, pero al punto el Espíritu Santo y sin que te des cuenta, te moverá a la alegría. Podemos dar testimonio de ello. Es como si Dios viniera atrás tuyo y soplara en tu alma su aliento, un viento, que te hará moverte con alegría según Él. Como si el mismo Dios te alentara a seguir, a no bajar los brazos. Claro que como Él es todopoderoso no hace las cosas mágicamente de un momento al otro, sino que se toma su tiempo. –Recordemos los siete días que se tomó para crear el universo, pudiéndolo crear de un toque–.
El mundo actual cree encontrar la felicidad en las cosas materiales, fuera de Dios. Considera a Dios un obstáculo para ser feliz. No lo ve como Padre. El mundo quiere ser totalmente independiente, ocupar el lugar de Dios, decidir qué es lo que está bien y qué está mal. Cree saber más que Dios, cuya Sabiduría Encarnada -Jesucristo- enseñó desde la cátedra de la Cruz (el amor caridad), lo cual llega a ser escándalo para unos y necedad para otros. Así, el mundo, quiere poner a Dios a su servicio. Cree también encontrar la felicidad en el poder, considerando al otro como un enemigo más que como un hermano: “el otro es un obstáculo que me impide agrandar mi poder”.
San Pablo nos dice que resistamos al diablo firmes en la Fe, porque anda rondando como león buscando a quien devorar. La resistencia se relaciona con la Fe, ya que cuanto más nos convenzamos de que Dios quiere nuestra felicidad, más nos querremos poner en Su servicio, sabiendo también que
Él conoce desde siempre nuestro pasado, presente y futuro, y sólo Él sabe qué hubiera sido de nosotros si no hubiera permitido que nos equivocáramos una y tantas veces. Cuando creamos de verdad en que Él quiere y desea nuestra felicidad más que nosotros mismos, se fortalecerá más nuestra Fe. Convenzámonos que para Él no es difícil sacar mucho bien de nuestro pasado, pero demos también gracias de las tantas oportunidades que nos dio de seguir caminando en esta vida.
Consideremos que muchas veces nosotros nos empecinamos en querer el auto usado de un desconocido, cuando Él quiere darnos uno cero kilómetro. Pasemos esto al plano espiritual, para también dejar de desear mal lo ajeno, para agradecer los dones recibidos y pedir lo que queramos. Él nos lo concederá. Únicamente que, como dice Santiago el apóstol, pidamos sólo para satisfacer nuestras pasiones, sin pensar en que le haría mal a nuestra alma. O, para aquellos que no son gustosos de hablar de "alma", a nuestra vida.
Que el Señor nos bendiga, y nos acerque cada vez más a Él.
En María, la Fortalecida y la Consolatriz, el Auxilio de los Cristianos y Señora del Perpetuo Auxilio.
Si hay algún error teológico o gramático, o de lo que fuere, no tengan recelo en decirmelo.
Sergio I. Poratti
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